About Me

Hi! Welcome to my space, where I hope to share with you some of my thoughts about life, theology and ministry. I am happily married to Sonia, and we have 3 gorgeous boys: Jack, Tom and Elijah. We live in the inner north of Melbourne, near where I serve as pastor of West Preston Baptist Church. I have a PhD in historical theology (on Karl Barth, who remains my theological hero), and I am currently studying towards ordination at Whitley College (www.whitley.unimelb.edu.au). In 2001, I published my first book, entitled 'Covenanted Solidarity: The Theological Basis of Karl Barth's Opposition to Nazi Antisemitism and the Holocaust', (New York: Peter Lang, 2001). In 2007, my next book, 'Barth, Israel and Jesus' will be published by Ashgate. I have also written a number of articles for leading theological journals, as well as for the forthcoming 'Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity', and the 'Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology.' I am passionately committed to inter-faith dialogue, to reconciliation, and to Jesus. I hope you enjoy this site!

The Barmen Declaration, 1934

Monday, April 2, 2007

The Sign of the Cross

Most Protestants have long been suspicious of using the sign of the Cross in prayer or worship, and yet the practice of using this sign extends back to the earliest days of the Church's existence. There is a very interesting article in the February edition of Christianity Today which discusses this question - and which comes fairly firmly down on the side of recovering the use of this sign in our personal and corporate prayer life.

Take a look at http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/februaryweb-only/109-22.0.html

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